Friday, May 10, 2013

us scientists have discovered gene that

Diabetes affects the work of many organs, including the eyes. Higher the risk of eye disease in diabetics by 30% in healthy people, U.S. researchers reported. Researchers in the study found that in people with diabetes aged 40 years and over 30% among diabetic retinopathy (non-inflammatory damage to the retina of the eye), and in 4.4% of proven serious illness, loss of vision threatening. In men, the disease occurs in 32% of cases women - 26%. Risk factors for retinopathy are inadequate control of blood sugar, elevated systolic blood pressure, long-term diabetes and insulin. Experts say people need to control diabetes with blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as this is a good way to prevent retinopathy. Is also advisable to visit an ophthalmologist to preserve vision, said the expert. It actually gives a feel like Gattaca which is cited as a great sci fi film by hollywood respectables. Smoking not only the ordinary cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco, difficult struggle with addiction choose, according to U.S. researchers. Scientists conducted a study that more often than smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products is mainly young people aged 18 to 24 found. Experts also divided smokers into groups: married - 21%, divorced or widowed - 29%, single - 30% and in the unions - 36%. The experts also found that the lower the level of education smoke, the more vulnerable people. The researchers stress that the daily addiction to tobacco kills thousands of people around the world. Smoking is the major cause of death, although it can be prevented. Smokes, the more types of tobacco products to a person, the greater the risk of diseases related to tobacco, such as cancer and heart disease, say scientists. Thirds of the experts on influenza H1N1 World Health Organization (WHO) and the pharmaceutical industry linked, according to AFP. On Wednesday, the WHO published a list of the members of the Technical Committee to advise the organization on infection control. The committee included representatives of many countries. Most members were scientists and epidemiologists. Moreover, the members of the Technical Committee representatives of health authorities in Thailand and Chile, as well as two specialists on international air traffic. Six of the 15 members of the Commission reported a possible conflict of interest in connection with their professional activities. With five people - Nancy Cox (Nancy Cox), Monty Arnold (Arnold Monto), John Wood (John Wood), Maria Zambon (Maria Zambon) and Neil Ferguson (Neil Ferguson) - participated in the activities of the various pharmaceutical companies, including development and production of influenza vaccines. But according to the WHO guidelines, the work of experts in a conflict of interest that would have served as the basis for their exclusion from the Commission on Influenza H1N1 not. / / Comments: the end of the pandemic influenza H1N1. According to the organization has pandemic, which lasted over 15 months, involved 214 countries and territories worldwide, about 18,500 people died of the infection.